Casella di testo: The ideal system for 
		Ink manufacturers !         				         and 								printers!
Casella di testo: IN-K NET s.r.l.  Via CARPI, 17 * I-00040 Pomezia (roma) Tel. +39 06 9162 3060 -  Fax +39 06 9162 5679 -  mail: Skype:
P.I. 09801751000 - C.f. 09801751000  -  Iscriz. CCIAA - Roma 1190767 
Casella di testo: Can be filled from the top and through exit-pipe!!



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Casella di testo: content can be checked in a very simple way because the operator can “see” directly the level of inks. 
Casella di testo: EASY
Casella di testo: Simply changing the bags, the container is immediately cleaned, even for colour-changes
Casella di testo: No leaks of ink to manage when change the container, no solvents and cloths to be used!
Casella di testo: CLEAN
Casella di testo: Only 157 KG to keep safely up to 500 KGs of inks and can be piled up to 3 full container each other!
Casella di testo: FROG can be moved by simple trolley and piled to save space in the warehouse. 
Casella di testo: LIGHT
Casella di testo: Made in Carbon steel and Stainless Steel AISI 304 for thousands of supplies
Casella di testo: No risk to  damage the container during use and really resistant even in external stores.
Casella di testo: STRONG
Casella di testo: Standard sizes! to transport up to 64 empty FROG  or  up to 48 Full FROG 500  in a truck!!
Casella di testo: More spaces letf, really important in order to place the pumping station in the printing shop
Casella di testo: COMPACT
Casella di testo: The epoxide varnish and stainless steel grants  the investment for a long term good condition
Casella di testo: the ones who put the pumping station in the printing shop appreciate the shape and tidiness.  
Casella di testo: NICE
Casella di testo: less expensive  and less  maintenance compared to every other container existing in the market!
Casella di testo: NO waste at all!! FROG needs cheaper pumps than those at “following plate” (i.e. 200 or 300 KGs)
Casella di testo: CHEAP
Casella di testo: Filling and maintenance are faster  and can be made internally by the producer or, even, by subsidiaries.
Casella di testo: Changing container needs 5  minutes by unskilled operator and without any tool!!!
Casella di testo: FAST
Casella di testo: The system allow sthe use of  every ink, including low migration and oxidative inks too!!!
Casella di testo: No contamination and skin formation using this kind of container. The ideal for food-packaging printers.
Casella di testo: SAFE


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